- Chen Tai Chi
Niall O’Floinn was introduced to Tai Chi from his Shaolin Kung Fu teacher in 1993.
Since 2001 he has been a student of Grandmaster Wang Hai Jun.[Coach of the most National Tai Chi champions of China] Niall runs Ireland’s largest Tai Chi Academy where, as well as teaching weekly classes to the public he has trained many people to become instructors. He led the first ever Irish team to win medals in China’s largest international World Tai Chi championship in Jiazuo city, China.
Students who have trained for varying lengths of time at the Academy under the instruction of Niall, now run clubs in Brazil, Poland, Spain and Ireland. Niall has been invited to teach in 7 different countries and makes great efforts at learning other languages to communicate better with his foreign students.
He has produced 3 teaching DVDs, been featured in Irish Fighter magazine and Brazil Tai Chi Magazine. Radio programmes on health and different health magazines in Ireland and the UK have written about his work on Tai Chi physical education and he has been featured on Brazil’s largest sports channel Globo Sports,who did a full feature on Niall’s seminars in Brazil which have gained great popularity in Southern Brazil in recent years, due to Niall’s warm and friendly way of teaching, combined with his skillful way of helping students see how they themselves can begin to sense and release tension and improve their health.
At home in Ireland, he featured in a Nationwide program focusing on health in January 2014. He is a passionate and hard working teacher, dedicated to his student’s well being and skill level and the promotion of Tai Chi both for health and Gong Fu.
He continues to train dilligently on a daily basis to refine his skills and is fond of the “beginners mind” approach to learning. Niall regards Tai Chi as a martial art of the highest subtlety and depth and feels “it should be approached with a simple and humble mind and the less ideas,concepts and images one forms the better, as it is only through direct learning, which brings about it’s own discipline, one can know what Tai Chi is.
We can know about the benefits, but to achieve the results is possible only through correct practice, as theory alone will not bring these results”. Under the guidance of Niall O’Floinn and Master Wang Hai Jun, the Irish team came back with 3 silver and 3 bronze medals from China’s largest Tai Chi competition in hands form, weapons and sparring, with 41 countries competing and more than 3000 participants. A fantastic achievement for the Academy students.
Find out more about our classes or exactly where your nearest Chen Tai Chi class is located.
our classes
Find out more about our classes or exactly where your nearest Chen Tai Chi class is located.

Galway Rowing Club,
10 Waterside,
Co. Galway.
Email Us
089 442 6117