- Tai Chi
All teachers are recommended to also train with Master Wang Hai Jun as well as Irish senior coach Niall O’Floinn.You can view past graduates of the Academy on our instructors listing page.
If you would like to learn Tai Chi with a view to teaching it in the future we also have some options where you can have a trial period free of charge to see is your personality suitable for teaching.
- Academy
The Galway Tai Chi Academy runs a foundation teacher training course for 3 years which you can join after you have completed 3 years study at the Academy. So when you graduate you will have 6 years experience of Tai Chi and have assisted in weekly classes for 3 years.
This is the recommended procedure but there are also flexible options for those traveling from abroad to study at the Academy or for those who wish to do more intensive training to graduate sooner.Some graduates even choose to train for 5-6 years as an assistant and are always able to learn more

- Teaching
We wish for the highest professional standards in our teachers and conscientiously work to nurture in a slow ,natural way the talents and strengths of each trainee guiding them in whichever aspect they are best suited. Teaching senior citizens,children,the general public ,learning how to give demos,talks,write about Tai chi,promote their classes,understand the psychology of learning in different people etc.
All of our graduates are encouraged to keep improving themselves as individuals as well as training to have a higher level of Taiji skill so they don’t stop learning after they begin to teach themselves.
Find out more about our classes or exactly where your nearest Chen Tai Chi class is located.

Galway Rowing Club,
10 Waterside,
Co. Galway.
Email Us
089 442 6117